Minnesota Lake

Grace Lake


Hubbard County

From the Minnesota DNR:

Grace Lake is bowl shaped with regular shorelines and sandy beaches around most of its perimeter. Bulrush stands are abundant on the south side of the lake and care is taken to preserve them for fish habitat. Because of the favorable water clarity the lake supports a diverse community of submerged vegetation. Development is perhaps more apparent on Grace Lake than on any other small lake in the Bemidji area. Recreational use of Grace Lake is considered to be high by Bemidji standards.

Grace Lake has historically supported a high yellow perch population and several different attempts have been made to reduce their numbers. More recently the abundant perch population has been utilized to maintain high predator densities. Since 1984, walleye have been stocked annually at a higher than normal rate. Since that time, approximately 263,000 walleye weighing 7,552 pounds have been stocked. Perch have remained abundant, but the catch rate did decline in the most recent assessment. If this reduced catch rate represents an actual decline, predation from walleye may be a factor in that decline. Walleye are abundant and appear well fed, but the high level of activity from a variety of water sports on the lake can make angling difficult. Persistent anglers, not resistant to trying alternative tactics, such as avoiding peak activity times, may be able to establish successful presentations.



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